What's your guys thoughts on Fanfiction?

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by Smg, Jun 10, 2020.

  1. Smg

    Smg Retired | Also known as 'Phaithful' Donator

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    Just curious. This is a little embarrassing for me to admit (because I'm hella insecure) and I may very well regret making this public in a forum like this one where I have a bit of a reputation/history, but I've been working on a little fan-fiction story over these few months in quarantine (which has far passed the 100,000+ words mark! wooo) and I want to see see what other people think about the specific hobby/interest in general, because I don't really have any one in specific IRL to talk to about this even tho I find a great interest in it.

    At first I was a bit skeptical about the idea of fan-fiction, and on paper it sounds like a dumb kiddy thing, but after having dove myself into it a bit, especially with some of my own personal writing, I've found it to be quite enjoyful. I see it as a way for people who like to write, like myself, to express and show off their support for their favorite series.

    In general, I really like to write, especially when it's about something I find a lot of joy/fun in.

    So, what are your opinions on Fanfiction?

    pls be nice :(
  2. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    It really depends on what it's about. Sometimes there are some that take things really too far. (and coming from me it has to be really far out there). But in general I like them.
    Smg and Starixty like this.
  3. witchchick128

    witchchick128 Amity Blight Donator

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    i mean really fanfic is just a non-canon story from a series written by a fan. it's not always explicitly sexual. i dont have a problem with it as long as you're being healthy about it. the girls who cry over fanfics tho...

    Bro Cringe
    Kaylyn and Smg like this.
  4. Soso

    Soso cringe Donator

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    All of my irl friends right them and

    They are juicy. Like, juicy.
    Smg likes this.
  5. Pugnata

    Pugnata Pug the Pug Donator

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    When people hear the word fanfiction, they often think of the cringy stuff. But there is a ton of stuff out there for free which is sooo good. The thing that suprises me the most is that I barely read books (thank school for ruining it for me), but read a ton of fanfiction and enjoy it way more.


    You got me kinda curious now tbh, what is it about? (you can also pm me if you want)
    Smg and witchchick128 like this.
  6. thesaber903

    thesaber903 Mabelen / Editor Donator

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    I like dark stories, not the gory kinds however, but ones that are really dark with a backstory. Other than that I don’t read or watch any because I cry easily and I don’t want to destroy my soul.
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  7. Dest

    Dest Mod+ | Twitch Streamer | Perler Beads Artist Staff Member Mod+

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    To be honest, most of the times I really like fanfiction. For example, there are fanfiction games of Five Nights At Freddy's and Undertale that are pretty cool. I'm not talking about the 'cringy' versions and the fandom, I'm talking about tthe actual fanfiction that has a lot of effort put into. Most tof the times, people put their heart and soul into their own version and it turns out to be pretty damn impressive.
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  8. Smg

    Smg Retired | Also known as 'Phaithful' Donator

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    Holy cow, are you telling me I've written more words in my story than 3/7 of the Harry Potter book series WOT

    That is INSANEEE

    also yeah, a stereotype about fanfiction is that they're all sexual and shit. But, plain and simply, that's just false. Yeah, there's some sexual shit, and there are certain fics dedicated to just romance/smut, but there's also some really in-depth ones as well. I personally like a good fic where there is romance, but it's not overdone to the point you realize the author is simply just writing out their biggest and darkest fantasy

    The fic I'm specifically writing I have posted somewhere online (tho, under a different name because, again, I'm hella insecure) and I'm actually going through a process right now where I'm re-writing/re-editing all the chapters I've posted. Certainly though, when I'm done with this process I can give any of you guys/gals a link if you're interested. It's a Romance and Drama themed fic.

    Just have to warn you, the fandom my fic it's about is defo embarassing/about something you'd probably not expect from someone like me, but I'm still really proud of all the work I've put into it/plan on putting into it over the course of this summer

    Agree completely. I'm putting a crap ton of work into mine; literally, these past two days, I've done nothing but write
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2020
    Pugnata likes this.
  9. Saul1337


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    Depends, 99% of it is gay shit the other 1% is good.

    If you actually write a good story then it can be something enjoyable, if you just rewrite some shit because you want to setup two characters falling in love then its bad.
    sool and Smg like this.