SkyBlock Reset

Discussion in 'News' started by ItsHarry, Nov 11, 2018.

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  1. Quazee137


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    Ok over my "going to miss my Island bit" many have asked me to stay with J&H and the new skyblock.
    I do have a few questions.

    1. Will /is biomechunkset be available. I dont use the eggs or spawners.
    2. Will the kits I got for TsukiyoNeko and Devin still be there.
    3. Can you give us a list of the rank perks that will carry over. I hear the rank islands are gone too.
    4. I hope the new /withdraw /deposit will be in the new one.
    5. Can the skyblock islands be added like the new plots in creative. That would be worth paying for or buying a 2nd island next to 1st.
    6. I have made resource packs that play music I own and can play video clips in item frames with disk jacket in frame.
    I haven't put this up on youtube as all my tools run under linux. And DRM may come in to play.
    I am thinking of using free music and video files to make a few packs to demo.
    Any music type request? as mine are of the instrumental game and movie type. LOL

    I have to say that after TsukiyoNeko had me do redstone on skyblock about 4 years ago. I didn't look at other skyblock servers J&H had the right feel.
    Even when there was I think 2000 plus players and you kept the servers up with some lllaaaggg but they stayed up for the most part.

    Here's hoping the new skyblock will draw more / old players to J&H

    Mert_Onder likes this.
  2. Mert_Onder

    Mert_Onder Donator

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    thanks ıtsjerry :D <3
    --- Post merged ---
    ıtsharry like me @ItsHarry
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2018
  3. ItsJerry

    ItsJerry DEAD SERVER!!! LMAO!!! Staff Member Owner

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    1. Not for a single chunk but there will be /is biomes which changes your whole island's biome.
    2. Yes, kits are transferred.
    3. Everything in the ranks, except the islands, is carried over.
    4. Yes.
    5. You can expand the islands up to 200x200. (4 times as much area)
    6. Metal

    I'm not sure if it will draw more players, but at least it will merge the population of 5 servers into 1.
    VoidedMortal and ItsHarry like this.
  4. Zackery

    Zackery Donator

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    No more small Ice Farms.... it's either, your water in your iron golem farms freeze, or you dont get ice period
    Sad times.
  5. Quazee137


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    Easy enough put a roof over the water in the golem farms. If no sky no freezing.
    As long as we have all the biomes available I can work around the chunk part.
    I did already rotate the chunk biomes to get the spawning I wanted. The only
    evasive ones have been wolves. I did get 3 on TuskiyoNeko's Skyblock4 about
    5 minutes before a restart no time to tame gone when back up. LOL
    When it comes to controlling spawning mob's carpet is your friend.

    THANKS ItsJerry for the Great news about the 200 by 200 size.
    ItsJerry likes this.
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