New Story!: War 3.0 (Need Characters)

Discussion in 'Creation Showcase' started by IAMINACTIVEBYE, Aug 17, 2014.



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    Since my last story The 8 God's Of Hell Was such a great hit, i decided to do a new story!
    Enjoy my first chapter ;)
    I thought you 2 would be a good combo for my story ;)
    Enjoy :)
    Chapter 1 - A Beginning
    "Are we there yet." I said on my 11th time. "How many times have i told you... NO!" Mappy screamed. "Just making sure..." I frowned. "Why can't there be a spectate mode?" Mappy suggested. "Like in Team Fortress 2?" I said. She nodded. "Finally!" She pointed. I looked. And the search for the lost village is found. Mappy looked in her book. "Only people who have searched far and wide can find the village of loss." Mappy read out.
    We entered the village, and people rushed into their doors. "You said they like visitors?" I said. "Somethings wrong." Mappy said. I even heard some people whispering. "Hello?" I shouted. "LEAVE!" A mysterious voice was heard. Then some guy appeared out of no where. "Fox, what are you doing?" Mappy mumbled. "Oh hi Mappy, hi Louise. I umm..." Fox seemed kind of speechless. "Why are you dressed up weridly?" I asked. "Ehhm..." He seemed speechless again. "Fox, where have you been mate?" Mappy asked. "You disappeared one night. I remember, how did you get here?" Mappy demanded for answers.
    Fox sighed. "Okay, I found some stupid book in the library and the book was so interesting that i dicided to search." He said. "A book? Search for what!" I asked. "The book was very old, about a village that used to have peace, but then only like a 5th of it is left." He said. "So I found the the village finally, sorry that i forgot to tell you i left, and the village really needed some help, so i decided to help them." He explained.
    "But can you tell us why the village has been loss?" I asked. "Fine, last question. This is what i've been told: 'A long time ago, a city none as LossCity was there. A great king was there, that would give the city whatever it wanted, even if it was 1 million dollars or a huge truck of food, anything. He would do anything to keep the city nice and healthy, but the king died at a very old age, so the town voted for a very nice guy to be their new king. But the king was dark inside of him, so he said that he is going to bulldoze the city for a new city. The city was scared and mad, and they said no. The king got mad, so mad he left the city and created another one not so far from it. But then a war happened. The king was still mad at the city for disagreeing his idea. So he threw missiles and bullets at the city. millions of people died. Only about 60 people are left and only about 20 houses are here for all of us. The king is still makeing us at risk. He won't stop until the land is nothing.'" Fox explained.
    Then, a huge missile was throw near us. "Leave Mappy and Louise, your not safe!" Fox shouted. "But we want to help!" Mappy shouted. "I can't, the village doesn't like strangers helping." He shouted. "We will do anything to let your village trust us, please!" I shouted more. "Get me 30 diamonds then! GO!" Fox shouted. And we headed to the nearest cave there was.
    Characters needed:​
    King/Queen Of The Evil City: @Shadow_Riolu
    Knights Of The Evil City (Need about 3 people): @hammiestar , @Bfrizz @ItsRiley44
    Hero That Helps Us: @tisha070703
    Miner That We Find In The Cave: @Rilakkumaloverr
    King/Queen Of This City (Will come to life later :eek:): @Slevin
    BlackSmith: @ProCraftz
    Evil God: @Sanadz
    Good God:
    Here's what some characters mean:
    King Of Evil City: King of the evil city that's destroying the LossCity
    Knights Of The Evil City: Will later come and fight us at LossCity
    Hero That Helps Us: A person that will help us protect the LossCity
    King Of This City: The old, old king of the city that MIGHT come back to life (Might instead just be a ghost or fully alive)
    BlackSmith: Will tell us what materials we need to make stuff like missiles and guns
    Evil God: Will attack us near the end
    Good God: Will help us soon

    Hope you now know which character you want to be ;)
    I might add my characters needed to the story in later chapters.
    I'll add your name to the list once you have picked your character so other people know that the character is taken.
    Hope you Enjoyed :D
    EDIT: I will edit the list for more characters, so don't worry if their arn't any characters there that arn't interesting :) I'm sure I'll add more! :D
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2014
  2. Rila

    Rila Pyro is top bae

    Likes Received:
    Can I be the miner that you people find in the cave? Ty c:
    da storeh ish fab


    Likes Received:
    Sure, I'll edit the list now ;)
  4. ProCraftz


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  5. hammiestar


    Likes Received:
    Nice story!
    can i plz be a knight?


    Likes Received:
    Sure thing, I'll edit the list now ;)
  7. _Frizzy


    Likes Received:
    I wanna be the knight


    Likes Received:
    Sure! I'll edit the list
  9. tisha070703

    tisha070703 #6

    Likes Received:
    Nice story!
    Can I be the hero?
    Refer to me as Tisha
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2014
  10. Shadow_Folf


    Likes Received:
    I would love to be the King of the Evil City. Refer to me as Shadow.
  11. ST3PMAN

    ST3PMAN Unseen

    Likes Received:
    I Wanna be a hacker :3 of traffic lights or people :p
    Refer to me as Step
    TurdBurglar528 likes this.
  12. normaltiger


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    Can I be the BlackSmith?


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    Oky doky, new chapter ;)
    Characters so far:
    @LouiseXminerX <-- ME :D
    New Character!:
    Enjoy ;)
    Chapter 2 - A Unpleasent Miner...
    We are down real low almost touching the bedrock, still no diamonds, all we found is like 5 pieces of coal. "Why are all the ores gone?" I asked. She suddenly stopped. I heard someone mining... I looked over Mappy's shoulder, and some girl was mining, taking all the ores. "So thats the theif..." Mappy whispered. "If your going to attack her, don't think about it." I said. "Well , how about you say hi to her?" Mappy said. Man, i should have not told Mappy I was afraid to talking to strangers. But i can try and face my fear. I stepped closer to the stranger, closer and i tapped her on the shoulder, and she freaked out as soon as she turned around. "ARRG! WAT WAT... oh, just visitors, can't you see I'm busy!" The girl seemed to be attacked alot. Her clothes were dirt and her hair was really gruggy. "How long have you been here for?" I asked. "Like, 4 years, leave me alone!" She said. "Woah woah lady, calm down, we're here for some materials too, do you seem to have like 30 diamonds we can have?" Mappy asked poiltely. "NOOO! I forgot to pay the bills to the king! So i have to give him all my diamonds so i can stay!" She said. "Do you even know how long you have been here for?" I asked. "Maybe more then 4... Maybe 20 years." She said. I frowned. "The kingdom has changed alot you know." Mappy said. Then the stranger's freaked out face went down to some frown.
    "Sorry for my little freak out act, I'm Rilakkum. An miner for my town, what has been happying to the city?" She asked. I facepalmed. I led her to her home, and she almost dropped dead. "Wa, WAT! Where's the skyscrapers. This isn't my home! This is a prank!" She said. "Dude, your old king died, and the new king is evil and is destroying the city and now this is left." I explained. "Mama? Daddy?" Rilakkum freaked out. "Get yourself together ma'am!" Mappy shouted. I saw a tear go down Rilakkum's face, then she started crying. Mappy facepalmed extra hard. "Map, what would you do if YOUR parents were missing? huh huh? Would you feel just like poor little Rilakkum here?" I shouted at mappy. Then her mad face went into a frown. "Rilakkum, I'm sure they are safe... In heaven, watching over your shoulder." I said. "NU, NOO! Their alive! I feel it, I can sence their in danger! Their not gone! Their crying out for me!" She screamed. "Maybe she has been in that cave more then that..." I mumbled to Mappy.
    "So can we have the diamonds ma'am?" Mappy asked. Rilakkum turned around wiping her tears away. "O, Onnnly, if you help me find my parents! DEAL?" She shouted. "If they are alive for sure, fiiine" I said. She handed over the diamonds. We went to Fox to deliver the diamonds. "I still can't trust you." He said. "Fox! We're best buds! And you won't let us help you? Fox are you crazy or something?" I shouted. Rilakkum kind of did seem confused, thinking who the hell is that orange fox standing there. "Orange cat, whoever you are, please trust them, if you don't they can't help me find my parents! THEIR ALIVE I SAY! AWIIIIVE!" Rilakkum screamed. Fox was thinking for a second. "FINE! But don't talk to the people here or do anything stupid infront of them otherwise your leaving." Fox shouted. "Why the hell is he so stricted?" Mappy whispered to me. I moved my shoulders up.
    "The first thing I need you to do is to spy on the evil city. Once you've got information on their next attack on us, report to me immedility." Fox explained. "First, let's tidy you up Rilakkum." I suggested. "Wait... Clean clothes and... CLEAN HAIR! OMG OMG!" Rilakkum shouted. I looked in my inventory. I gave her the clothes, also some water to wash her hair. She went in some spare toilet. And when she came out, she was no crazy caveman, she was like a whole new person. "Thew, Now without those flea's buzzing around me, LETS GO!" She cheered.
    To Be Continued...
    Each chapter, if i need another character, I'll copy the list here and put it here, atm Iwon't need to change the list to add extra characters to be taken yet.
    Just go to the first chapter to see the characters avaliable.
    Thanks For Reading :)​
  14. Emeritus_IV

    Emeritus_IV b e p i s Donator

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    I wanna be a kniiiight
  15. nivels

    nivels Donator

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    Can i be the king of this city for the later part of the story plz?

    Keep up the good work :D
  16. speedy0114


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    Sanadz likes this.
  17. Katy_

    Katy_ Donator

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    Wherever you can fit me :D


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    Just to let you know, I'll make another chapter once I'm not sick ;-;
    My brain doesn't work atm... ._.
    sorry ;-;


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    Thx for all the support guys ;)
    Heres Chapter 3! :D
    Characters so far:
    New Characters!:
    Chapter 3 - An Unpleasent Welcome
    As we searched for about 10 minutes, finally, another city was found, and it was completely different to the city before. It was dark, kind of modern, and like 20 times bigger then the other city. Then we saw a guy. "OOO, Visitors!" The guy said. "I'm Shadow, And I proudly welcome you to... SHADOW CITY!" Shadow shouted. "Uhhh... Can you jut show us around please?" I asked.
    He showed us around. It was pretty borring. Then he showed us some slave place. I saw a girl, getting wiped on the back , cleaning some huge missile. "Oh yeah, that missile is what we're going to shoot at the other old stinky city in a week. We just need about 100s of litres of fuel and eletricity, and that slave better clean it up soon." He said. Rilakkum seemed to know that girl. "Tish... Tisha?" She choked. "Oh, you know that girl huh? Well she was from that other stinky city." He said. Rilakkum was shaking, watching the blood on Tisha's blood go down her back as the guy kept wiping her. "LET HER GO!" She shouted. Mappy tried to calm her down. "LET HER GO! MY... MY SISTER!" She cried out. "Young lady, calm down." Shadow seemed serious now. Instead of his huge smile showing us around, he was like some guy who hated his boss. Rilakkum kept screaming, as Mappy held her. "ENOUGH!" Shadow screamed, Tisha then turned around. "Rila... H-heelp..." Tisha whispered. "LET HER FREE! STOP IT! THE HORROR!" Rilakkum just kept screaming. "Guards!" Shadow shouted. Then 3 people pushed us. "Hey! Watch us." I shouted. "You are never welcome here ever again! We're tired of your stupid voice!" Shadow shouted. "LET HER GO!" Rilakkum shouted more. "Rila... I'll be.. okay..." Tisha whispered. "Tisha, I'll get you out of there! I WILL!" Rilakkum shouted.
    When the guards took us far away from the city, they finally let us go. "Go and scream somewhere else DORK!" An guard shouted, then they called their horses, and they went back to Shadow City. "Atleast we know what will happen next week, and where Rilakkum's sister is." Mappy said as she tried to smile. "Wait... next week." I said. "Whats happening next week?" My heart jumped. Then Mappy seemed to realise something too. "The ehhm... Missile?" Mappy choked. "We have to warn Fox and the others back at the city!" I cried.
    We ran back to the city, panicking. "Whats wrong? IS the other city going to attack us?" He asked. "A huge missile is going to be launched right here in 1 week!" Mappy screamed. I looked at Rilakkum, and she seemed even more crazier then when we found her in that cave. "My... My sister... My..." Rilakkum cried. I patted her on the back.
    People then peeked out of their houses. I think they heard how the missile was coming. Because a guy then came out of one house. "I know how to stop the missile." The stranger said. "ProCraft, oh come on, we're no match for it. Pack your stuff and go and live somewhere else thats safe!" Fox panicked. "I'm wise fox. I'm not from preschool. Hero's. If you want to save our village, you will need to help me." He said. Before i could say something, Mappy said something. "Why should we help YOU? You from the shadow city? You going to use US?" Mappy shouted. Rilakkum just sat behind me sucking her thumb. "Mappy, If you can't trust me, this village was be destroyed. Rilakkum, I can also free your sister." He said. When Rilakkum heard her name, she just stood up, walked infront of me and Mappy, and then sat right back and went back to sucking her thumb. I scratched my head, thinking what use can Rilakkum be? "Wait, how did you know me and Rila's name?" Mappy asked. "I'm wise Mappy." He said. "Wiser then you think..."
    To Be Continued! :O
    Please ignore any wrong spelling marks ^_^
    Thanks for reading! :D
  20. TheUndeadBrave

    TheUndeadBrave Life's too short, make the most of it!

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    Can I be the Evil God?