Hey So probably around a year ago I decided to start recreating a lot of the removed games from the server. I stopped developing this a while ago, but I figured I might as well share what I had done: The main games I've got so far are AgarPVP, BuildIt, CraftRoulette, Spleef (very buggy) and Temple Run. The whole goal was to recreate these games to be as close to the originals as possible (lots of trawling through YouTube videos from 2013, always super fun). There's also some other cool stuff, like /prefix: and a bunch of old maps that used to be on the server (mostly old lobbies). It's not currently online, so you can't play it, unfortunately, however, if people are interested I can look into setting something up (even if its a one time tournament or something, idk). oh and if the owners want to give me code or the maps, that'd be really helpful ;) oh and craftroulette actually works in this version
Yo You forgot suspended helper. How can you forget suspended helper? @Heatdude Da Waffle is probably offended.