Factions Reset! A new season of Factions has begun. What is new? New spawn made by @Cheez and @Progtrash /warp shop has been replaced with a /shop command which can be used from anywhere while not in combat. Shop prices completely re-done. New Mythic Crate, all other crates have been removed. Sell wands, trench pickaxes, harvester hoe, lightning wand, etc. Added /wilderness command to easily find unclaimed land. /f top now only counts placed Mob Spawners and Mineral Blocks. It no longer counts player balance. Why? To encourage players to actually claim land and place valueable blocks instead of using unclaimed bases and just keeping everything in their balance. Default faction power per player changed from 10 -> 15. Custom Enchantments: Added over 70 custom enchantments which can be acquired by talking to the Custom Enchanter in spawn. /f fly: Command for Legend Ranked that can be used to fly in owned/allied Faction territory. Is automatically disabled upon entering combat or if a non-ally is nearby within 50 blocks distance. Added GenBuckets to the shop to easily create bases. Spawner Stacking: Spawners can now be stacked up to 5 times. Mob Stacking: Mobs spawned from spawners now stack. Anti-Loot: Only the killer can pick up items for the first 15 seconds after death from PVP. Added /feed and /heal commands for Herobrine and God Rank respectively. (5 minute cooldown, can not be used in combat) /tntfill command for God Ranked to fill up nearby dispensers with TNT. /f location command pings your location to your Faction members. Made natural diamond ore spawns 4 times less common to reduce unfairness from uncaught x-rayers. Dungeons and strongholds completely disabled from world generation to prevent players from farming spawners at the SOTW. 7.5K radius world border God Apples can no longer be crafted. They can only be bought from the shop. TNT Explosions now break lava. Max connected claims limit changed from 100 -> 200. Added 500 max power limit per Faction. Withers can no longer be spawned. Increased item/EXP merge radius for less lag. Fixed a bunch of ways to glitch into bases. Nether world has been removed. /f top now opens the GUI by default. /ftop shows it in chat. Removed UnclaimFinder because it was useless. Increasing the radius on it is not a viable option due to performance issues. Top Rewards The top 5 Factions in /f top will receive store coupon codes 2 weeks after the reset worth $200, $150, $100, $50 and $25 respectively. Ban Wipe All bans (excl. blacklisted players) have been wiped 1 day before the Factions reset. _____ As usual, please post any bugs you find in the Report Bugs section on the forums. -ItsJerryAndHarry Server
Harry, sometimes the mob spawns and it stacks, and when they fall, only 1 of the entity in the mob stack dies, please make it so that the entire mob stack dies, and make it so that they can't stack midair.
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