Factions Reset! A new season of Factions has begun. What is new? Added a /warp spawners across from the bulk shop where spawners can be bought for in-game money KOTH warp has been removed, back to 3 KOTH arenas located in the WarZone Added 2 new buyable kits New /f top which also counts the value of blocks and spawners in claimed land New event: Supply Crate Drops at random location in the WarZone containing 1 Event Crate Key every 4 hours New event: Outposts. These are always capture-able areas in the WarZone that can be controlled by Factions to receive bonuses such as selling items for 25% extra money, gaining 25% extra EXP and no hunger loss. New item: Added an item to find unclaimed bases. The item scans in a 32 block radius for tile entities. The crafting recipe can be seen using the /chestnear command. Blocked /sethome command in other Factions' territory Spawners can be mined using a silk touch pickaxe Spawners have a 75% probability of dropping when broken by explosion Spawners suck up liquids in a 3x3 radius cube Implemented a limit of 100 connected chunk claims Obsidian can no longer be damaged by TNT in water Anvils, ender chests, enchanting tables changed to 3 explosion durability. Creeper explosions also work on these blocks now Lowered max faction size to 15 Lowered max allies to 3 Increased combat tag to 30 seconds Renamed KOTH Crate to Event Crate KOTH reward increased from 5 to 7 keys Significantly increased probability of getting good items from the Event Crate Added gold nuggets to the bulk shop Removed the 3 second invulnerability just after logging in Nerfed zombie pigman portal spawns Obsidian changed from 10 to 5 explosion durability Changed shop prices of mycelium and other items Just like previous Factions resets, the Donator Kits will be disabled for the first week after the reset so that all players have an equal fair start. Any previously purchased Factions power will also be given back after the first week. As usual, please post any bugs you find in the Report Bugs section on the forums. -ItsJerryAndHarry Server
Can you please clarify the rules of spawners adding to faction value. It says "in chests" above, but you have to place them. Also, is it only Zombie, Skeleton and Slime spawners that add to faction value?
I see that kits were returned already, but I noticed faction power isn't yet. Is there something wrong or is it coming tommorow?
@ItsHarry - I'm sure this isn't a bug, but allies can set home in your territory. :-( You probably thought it was a good idea, but allies change all the time. Someone can leave their faction or use an alt, get in an allied faction for a very short time - even as a recruit and set homes in traps or into claimed land where a base has not been finished yet. I doubt you would consider changing this now and it may be too late anyway, but can you take a vote on this either now or next reset to change it to see how others feel. Thanks!
server is dead updating / resetting doesn't help to get players just make some fricking vote sites where you can vote so people will know about the J&H server now nobody knows it exists. Just post it on vote sites and allowed players to vote for money or something but that will help I don't lie. And it's also easy to setup. Just give everyone 10k per vote on skyblock for example. It doesn't hurt to do it and it's effective. Just use like 10 sites and you'll get famous again. @ItsJerry @ItsHarry @Cheez
LMFAO they’ve been violating the EULA for MONTHS and they’re lucky their server is still up they ain’t getting on those websites ALSO the factions reset definitely did get players back on factions there are like 5 active power facs and they need to reset kitpvp more