Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by Saul1337, Jun 4, 2023.

  1. Saul1337


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    My first time using chatgpt, here's me reading the script

    Write a script for a ItsJerryAndHarry video

    Title: "Minecraft Pranks Gone Wrong!"


    [Jerry and Harry stand in front of a green screen with their Minecraft avatars displayed in the background.]

    Jerry: Hey, guys! Welcome back to another episode of ItsJerryAndHarry!

    Harry: That's right! Today, we have something special planned for you. We're going to pull off some epic Minecraft pranks on each other!

    Jerry: And trust me, things are about to get crazy!

    [Cut to Jerry and Harry in their respective Minecraft worlds.]

    [PRANK 1: Disappearing Blocks]

    Jerry: Alright, I'm going to start off by pranking Harry with some disappearing blocks!

    [Jerry sneaks up on Harry's house and replaces some blocks with invisible ones.]

    Jerry: [Whispering to the camera] Shh, he has no idea what's coming!

    [Harry approaches his house and tries to enter, but falls into a hidden pit.]

    Harry: What just happened?! Where did my house go?!

    [Jerry laughs hysterically from behind a tree.]

    Jerry: Gotcha, Harry! It's just a little disappearing block prank!

    [Harry chuckles and starts planning his revenge.]

    [PRANK 2: Exploding Sheep]

    Harry: Alright, Jerry. You think disappearing blocks are funny? Well, get ready for some explosive action!

    [Harry sets up a hidden pressure plate near Jerry's sheep farm.]

    Harry: [Whispering to the camera] He won't know what hit him!

    [Jerry approaches his sheep farm and steps on the pressure plate, triggering a massive explosion.]

    Jerry: Whoa! My sheep! What just happened?!

    [Harry bursts into laughter from a safe distance.]

    Harry: Surprise, Jerry! Exploding sheep prank for the win!

    Jerry: Alright, Harry, you got me good. But it's not over yet!

    [PRANK 3: Fake Diamond Ore]

    Jerry: I've got one last prank up my sleeve, and it's going to be the best one yet!

    [Jerry sets up a fake diamond ore block near Harry's mining area.]

    Jerry: [Whispering to the camera] This fake diamond is going to blow his mind!

    [Harry finds the fake diamond ore and starts mining it excitedly.]

    Harry: Yes! Diamonds! I struck it rich!

    [The fake diamond ore transforms into a bunch of chickens.]

    Harry: Wait, what?! Chickens? Are you kidding me, Jerry?!

    Jerry: Haha! Gotcha again, Harry! It's a chicken surprise prank!

    [Jerry and Harry laugh together, ending their prank war on a good note.]


    Harry: Well, that was an intense prank battle, Jerry!

    Jerry: Absolutely, Harry! We hope you all enjoyed watching our Minecraft pranks gone wrong!

    Harry: Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit that notification bell to see more hilarious videos from us!

    Jerry: And let us know in the comments which prank was your favorite!

    Both: Thanks for watching, and we'll see you next time on ItsJerryAndHarry!

    [Jerry and Harry wave goodbye as the screen fades out.]
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2023
  2. dinoceros

    dinoceros Donator

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    Neither jerry nor harry would ever say any of those lines
    ItsJerry and ItsHarry like this.