2024 Election Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by daddymemegod69, Jul 15, 2024.


Who are you voting for in the 2024 Election?

This poll will close on Nov 15, 2024 at 4:42 PM.
  1. Donald Trump (R)

  2. Joe Biden (D)

  3. (R) Ticket - Trump will be incapacitated/off ballot

    0 vote(s)
  4. (D) Ticket - Biden will be incapacitated/off ballot

  5. Other/write-in - Comment

  1. daddymemegod69

    daddymemegod69 Donator

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    I understand why everyone is afraid of "Project 2025". 20240728_165132.jpg 20240728_165137.jpg 20240728_165141.jpg

    Insane fearmongering. This is nuts, but it's what some of y'all are reading. Read the disclaimer lmfao
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    Well everyone, this was fun but I return to real life tomorrow. Unfortunately there were some things we didn't hit on that I cannot wait to talk about next time I get a break
    • The absolute pitiful state of public education. At best we are raising kids to fit into a very specific box they are not to think outside of, or at worst functionally r*tarded kids (and I don't use that word lightly). I actually somewhat am ok with the idea of federal educational standards but when something fails as much as public school, you just have to blow it up (you know what I mean, Mr. FBI agent) and start all over. From my days working out west, I lived in a city where one year a public school graduated 15 kids and that was after giving everyone 2 weeks to redo/catch up on work. Pathetic. That's the next generation folks. Don't whine about private religious schools when these are ur government schools. Why is this not part of mainstream discussion?
    • As we get more info about the trump assassination, it's like they want conspiracy theorists to get riled up. Saw the kid like 25 minutes before? With a ladder and range finder? Crowdgoers calling out shooter to cops and all that, he was still able to get shots off? Parents called cops on the day of? Roof uncovered by usss? Wtaf?
    • The chronic illness epidemic. I'm not going to say what my theory is, but it's something that talking about back in 2021 would've gotten you banned on social media sites that take money from Big pharma. Anyway, why does everyone have the attention span of a golden retriever? Why is everyone so sad and unmotivated? Why is everyone allergic to everything? Why can't people leave the house or talk on the phone without anxiety? These issues were common, say 100 years ago, but why are they increasingly common? Why are pills the only cure? And why is this not part of mainstream discussion?
    • Unions. Oh boy I could make a whole other thread about the unions just in my own line of work
    • The media retracting their accounts of Kamala Harris' role with the border to help improve her optics
    Until next time!

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    Oh look! 5 pages! ijah forums are back baby!
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2024
  2. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    (Could have asked me yourself)... There are actual websites for the Heritage Foundation and Project2025.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2024
    Quazee137 likes this.
  3. daddymemegod69

    daddymemegod69 Donator

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    How many of the 900+ pages have you read?
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    Ahhh I said I was done but as the great Jiminy Glick once said, "these are the questions we must ask!"
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2024
  4. t3mptr3s

    t3mptr3s ~ Emotional Support Staff Member ~ Staff Member Mod+

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    I've read all of it. I'm also not your average person. I like to be informed. I also think you're only posting this stuff to evoke outrage and reaction.
    Quazee137 and GalaxyAway like this.
  5. daddymemegod69

    daddymemegod69 Donator

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    Sorta. These are real reflections of my worldview. I knew full well I'd get flamed in this thread when I made it. I said all the way back on the first page that I'm having fun
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    Not that it really matters anyway since it's not an official political platform of any candidate although that'd just about be the only way for Kamala to earn my vote
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    I also asked early on too, for staff to advise me if any rule violations. I have not been advised of any rule violations yet. I even explicitly told one staff member that I went pretty hard in a reply here, and invited them to advise if it was too much.

    I'm going to leave all of you here with that until next time
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2024
  6. Joeyy

    Joeyy Silly Goose of the year 2022 Donator

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    But my local papa johns does a large pizza for 10.99, think about that liberals >:(
  7. Ezzerland

    Ezzerland Staff Member Manager

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    But Little Scissors is pro lgbtq.... :D
  8. daddymemegod69

    daddymemegod69 Donator

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    If Little Caesars can get me Layers of Great Big Topping Quickly, I'll switch pizza parties.
  9. Joeyy

    Joeyy Silly Goose of the year 2022 Donator

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    Where was little scissor on January 6th

    checkmate buddy
  10. Ezzerland

    Ezzerland Staff Member Manager

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    I hear they added a + to indicate they can do that and then some! :D
    This is actual footage of Little Scissors on J6
    t3mptr3s likes this.
  11. Davey

    Davey Staff Member Moderator

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    Dadvey | Dohe
    little caesar’s is elite for pool parties and small functions. but unless it’s the pretzel crust, you will NEVER catch me alone at 11pm with a little caesar’s pizza.
  12. daddymemegod69

    daddymemegod69 Donator

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    A phone booth security camera picked up you and multiple other "customers" at 4am placing multiple amounts of orders to help little Caesars fraudulently report increased sales

    Source: trust me bro I've seen the videos
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2024
  13. Joeyy

    Joeyy Silly Goose of the year 2022 Donator

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    I can name the 6

    1. davey
    2. Joe Biden
    3. Jacob Rothschild
    4. The dude from icarly
    5. Lebron James
    6. Eminem

    source: honestly man idk they all seem like they’d be good for business I’m really high rn
  14. daddymemegod69

    daddymemegod69 Donator

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    As you watch your retirement accounts dwindle to cents today, remember the Biden-Harris Admin sent billions to fund the pension plans of Ukrainian civil servants. You’re very welcome. Four more years!
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    Last edited: Aug 5, 2024
  15. Joeyy

    Joeyy Silly Goose of the year 2022 Donator

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    This seems to be a very common argument amongst trump supporters, but I have genuinely not seen any evidence of him addressing this issue himself or what he plans to do to change things?
    Quazee137 likes this.
  16. daddymemegod69

    daddymemegod69 Donator

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    Like I said in the first post, I'm exempting both Trump and Biden from their covid years, 2020 and 2021.

    Both candidates have an economic track record that speaks for itself. Look at the numbers from 2017-19 and compare to 2022-24. Trump's economy beats Biden's/Harris' in almost every measurable way. Inflation, fed rates, rent, groceries, etc.

    I want Harris to discuss her track record as part of the oft-called "Biden-Harris Administration" and how her policy will differ from Biden's disastrous policy (if there even will be a difference). Whatever happens, and whether voluntary or not, Harris is tied to the hip with Biden's failures and successes, by virtue of the admin referring to itself as the Biden-Harris. She has to take partial ownership of the last four years. Can't have it one way and not the other.

    Sure, Trump could talk about the economy, but I'd eat what he cooked in 2017-19 without hesitation. He could talk about how he'd be different from Biden -Harris but we have 3 years of his policy already to reference.

    Actions speak louder than words. 2017-19 and 2022-24 speak louder than what either of them could say.
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    I'd like you to address this btw
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    Also, his statements about this are out there. Too lazy to link. He's talked about raising tariffs, tax cuts, reworking aid and deals with other allies, fed reserve reform. Whether you agree or not with the actual contents of his statements on economic policy, they exist
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    Filed under post gun control society 20240806_141038.jpg
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2024
    Quazee137 likes this.
  17. Quazee137


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    “Life is the future, not the past. The past can teach us, through experience,
    how to accomplish things in the future, comfort us with cherished memories,
    and provide the foundation of what has already been accomplished. But only
    the future holds life. To live in the past is to embrace what is dead.
    To live life to its fullest, each day must be created a new.”
    ― Terry Goodkind, The Pillars of Creation

    I believe this is what our President to be Harris is saying to AMERICA.
    We are GREAT ! A work in process. A process for a better life for all not just the few.

    maga wants to embrace what is dead. Not me

    Now Harris is in that is where my vote is "Not Going Back"

    trump still owes my dead Uncle companies $5mil for work done at casino that failed but he got to keep a ton of money.

    trump gave the very rich tax breaks that cost us.
    So any money President Biden sent out is peanuts compared to that.
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    trumps BIG tax cut for the rich and will give perks to any big money donators if he wins. Lets hope not is will cost every day working AMERICANS again
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    corporate greed main cause of food prices being so high. Go look up the main food chains payout to stock holders and exec's.
    When food cost are high and the CEO's are getting $mils in bonus pay is where I see the problem.

    putin and mbs agreed to cut oil production in 2020. Now what effect do you think that had on gas prices going up when they did? makes trump look good, Biden bad read and THINK
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2024
  18. daddymemegod69

    daddymemegod69 Donator

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    And what's "dead" is what, exactly?

    I'm sorry but literally LOLd when I read this

    completely wrong

    Also completely wrong. I suppose your solution would be implementing price controls, (communist)?

    Even if there was a correlation, would you reduce your own paycheck for the supposed good of everyone else?

    We were energy dependent in 2020. We could've said fuck putins oil in 2020. Biden's energy policy resulted in needing to import foreign oil. read and THINK
  19. TheDiamondPicks

    TheDiamondPicks Rank.MODERATOR.toString() Staff Member Moderator

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    Oil is a global market though? So any price increases would flow through to the American domestic market regardless right, unless you are advocating for price controls of course ;) (or export/import restrictions on oil)
    Quazee137 likes this.
  20. daddymemegod69

    daddymemegod69 Donator

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    It's not a matter of export/import restrictions. It's about the restrictions put in place against domestic oil production. It's about eliminating the need for dependency on foreign oil, which is inherently going to pose more risk of high prices
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    @Joeyy where u at man?
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    They chose 10-15 of their favorite influencer mouthpieces to leak a "special guest" Beyonce to get more eyeballs on the convention of child-sacrificers last night lmaooo
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    How are you going to, twice, ask questions of me, receive a timely response with questions for you, and just not respond? Twice? @Joeyy
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2024