Comments on Profile Post by KokichiOma

  1. KokichiOma
    if you're curious:
    I've been packing bc going back to Melbourne
    getting hyped for osomatsu-san season 3 this year
    I'm big on animal crossing and tos/uno rn
    Jul 12, 2020
    Soso and sool like this.
  2. KokichiOma
    I have amassed a collection of figurines, est 1-2k aud with a $230 and a $320 one on the way so yeah I'm a degenerate
    Jul 12, 2020
    Soso and sool like this.
  3. KokichiOma
    my discord is still the same (Jessiac#0001) so message/add me if you want to add on switch or something idk
    Jul 12, 2020
    Soso and sool like this.
  4. sool
    pretty epic ngl
    Jul 13, 2020