Comments on Profile Post by Cooldogbuff

  1. Ninjaman
    Mar 10, 2015
  2. Cooldogbuff
    I wasnt even hacking.. like... wot
    Mar 10, 2015
  3. Ninjaman
    You can try a ban appeal you know...
    (if you haven't already)
    Mar 10, 2015
  4. Cooldogbuff
    Well it is just like 13 for days until im unbanned. So I dont really feel like taking the time to make a ban appeal when im just going to be unbanned in just a week. Good suggestion though. :)
    Mar 10, 2015
  5. Ninjaman
    It's actually 2 weeks lol but okay
    Mar 10, 2015
  6. Cooldogbuff
    Lol ok I was just winging it xD
    Mar 10, 2015