Last Activity:
Jun 20, 2015
Mar 13, 2014
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Shadow_Folf was last seen:
Jun 20, 2015
    1. YoshcraftMLG
      Sad that you left, really it is. I'm just gonna say the same boring bullshit everyone else is saying, feels different.

      Hopefully see you around, you know.
      1. Shadow_Folf
        Thanks. But as I said with Sellz, go to TheMiner's profile. I'm still technically here, for now.
        Apr 25, 2015
      2. YoshcraftMLG
        Apr 25, 2015
    2. SellZy
      I'm starting to miss you a lot, I hope you'll come back one day.
      1. Shadow_Folf
        Go to TheMiner's profile. I'm still technically here.
        Apr 24, 2015
    3. MangosDragon
      I thought we were friends, then you act like I don't exist. Its ovious you know I'm trying to talk to you, but you wont aknowledge it.You act brave and fearless which I thought was true, but someone who really has those qualities wouldnt puss put and actually confront the issue. Unless you respond this is my last message to you 'old friend'.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Shadow_Folf
        I have to deal with pressure left and right, and guess what buster: I'm still dealing with shit. Life's done nothing but get worse for me, and you know how many times I want to just end it all? More than you can imagine, I can guarantee. You want to know how? Self-immolation with it being an "Accident."
        Apr 17, 2015
      3. Shadow_Folf
        I am already cutting off all interactions with most people, because I want them to feel less sorry for me, if worse does come to worse. I don't care if you consider me a friend anymore, but either way, this is goodbye.

        I still have to thank you for considering me a friend in the past though. Despite it having nearly no meaning in the present time.
        Apr 17, 2015
      4. MangosDragon
        I'm really sorry. What I typed was very harsh. I'm trying to work on this kind of stuff. I still consider you a friend connection or not. I'm facing alot of problems myself at the moment. I myself am a coward in the real world. I was drunk writing that message. I am very sorry. Live long and prosper Shadow. Bye.
        Apr 17, 2015
    4. Mcc457
      How's it been going shadow
      1. Shadow_Folf
        Not so good.
        Apr 17, 2015
      2. Mcc457
        Woah, what's happened?
        Apr 17, 2015
      3. Shadow_Folf
        Stuff I'd rather not talk about.
        Apr 18, 2015
    5. Xad
      It's not that we stopped talking, It's just that I thought you left, which was shocking news that you left.
      1. Shadow_Folf
        Well, it was an experiment. I requested a temporary ban to see if I can enjoy life or not, and I did, so I decided that I will try my best to stay away from the forums and enjoy life. However, that hasn't been happening recently as my aunt passed away literally 2 fucking hours ago, the fact that I've been on a bad grade streak, and just a bunch of bullshit. So until then, I'll be lingering around.
        Apr 10, 2015
      2. Shadow_Folf
        And plus, there was always skype, which I may have removed you if I thought you never considered me a friend anymore.
        Apr 10, 2015
    6. PenguinHook
      1. View previous comments...
      2. PenguinHook
        Ah, yeah :>
        Apr 9, 2015
      3. Burrito
        Um xD
        Apr 9, 2015
      4. Burrito
        Hello Shadow xD
        Apr 9, 2015
    7. Shadow_Folf
      Just came to say April Fools.
    8. SaltyPlays123
      Come back shadow, its different without you...
    9. BlueChuckian
    10. Shadow_Folf
      Alrighty, I'm good. Life's good away from here. Thanks for being friends to those who considered me friends. I'll do a monthly visit though.
      1. Miner, nala, SellZy and 11 others like this.
    11. Cryeath
      Your inactive but, congrats on a year dude.

      You joined one day before me. XD
    12. MangosDragon
      whyd you unadd me on skype
    13. nala
      Things are different without you. I hope you come back.
    14. Ninjaman
      I really hope you come back. Things aren't the same...
    15. nala
      Choose what is best for you. :]
    16. Shadow_Folf
      To those below who actually cared, I am currently waiting approval for an "Experiment." Do not count me out just yet. Well, maybe.
      1. Shadow_Folf
        I still wouldn't get my hopes too high up though. But there is a slight chance that I may stay. Chances are 5=10% at the most. I commented on those who talked to me and deleted the profile post, because I am not out just yet...
        Feb 22, 2015
      2. CloysterIsHere
        I was on a pretty long hiatus just to come back with this?

        Goodbye, Shadow. I guess we can still contact @ Skype.
        Feb 23, 2015
    17. Shadow_Folf
    18. DMachine487
      So. How is Awakening the best Fire Emblem game? Or just best game period?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Shadow_Folf
        No, I took Japanese since 6th grade. Also, I played Fire Emblem 4, Sacred Stones on the DS actually. It was a type of downloadable thing my mother got for me. I asked her how, but she said it was a "Secret." I tried looking it up, but got no dice.
        Feb 21, 2015
      3. DMachine487
        Pretty sure it's the Ambassador Program or something? Or if it's just flat out DS/DSi, then it's probably pirating, lel.
        Also, am I the only who hates Ike for being flat and a Gary Stu?
        Feb 21, 2015
      4. Shadow_Folf
        Nope. I dislike Ike myself. :/
        Feb 21, 2015
    19. nala
      I failed to catch lucario in pokemon shuffle
      1. Shadow_Folf
        ;-; Why you do this to me?
        Feb 20, 2015
      2. nala
        It was 75% catch, but Lucario broke free.
        Feb 20, 2015
      3. Shadow_Folf
        Feb 20, 2015
    20. nala
      I am going to try out mega lucario for vgc 15.
      1. Shadow_Folf likes this.
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    Will edit later when I find time AFTER all my finals.
