Separate names with a comma.
ye nah Apr 6, 2019
o7! I remember when you got promoted and was really happy to see :)
WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS :( o7 please don't disappear all together!
o7 thanks for the times we had
o7 Thanks for being apart of the staff team for so long, your hard work will be missed!
O7 ily
thanks for all the memories ♡
me casa su casa
my girl how has it been?
hii ! ive been good, yourself?
do something lmao
that's long
Rude child always ignoring me
says you !!
I feel you.
You're annoying
Capsa :)
bubs (:
try reading your previous names faster and faster.
Long story short, my previous names weren't MY previous names
Happy birthday!!
Ty!!! (:
Happy birthday!
thanks (:
thank youuuu
Happy birthday! Wow a lot of people I know have birthdays today
ahahah ty (;
Happy birthday.
thanks olle (:
Stop spamming me on SC to wish you happy birthday.
but i didn't lol