Total Drama Pasabogg Island Episode 7. "World War III!" PG

Discussion in 'Off-Topic / Spam / Memes' started by RealTDITyler, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. RealTDITyler

    RealTDITyler Will you love me after all the mistakes I've made?

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    Before we start the episode I would like to apologise for my crappy short chapters. This one will be as creative as I can possibly make it.

    Last time on TDPbI the teams played an old fashioned gameof paintball. In the end Mike got eliminated for being a threat and he voted himself off. What will happen this time on Total Drama Pasabogg Island?

    Amy and Samey were talking about their little 'alliance'.


    Samey: "Duh, of course I am using her. Karma's a bitch!"

    Amy: "I am clearly using her for a vote. I want to try get rid of her before the merge though. I think she might backstab me!"

    Beth, Dave and Zoey were all standing around in the Mess Hall.
    "Hey guys," said Zoey.
    "Hi," mumbled Dave.
    "I was thinking we could have a final 3 alliance when we make merge!" said Beth.
    The other 2 thought about it.
    "I would like to get far but I have already been in the final 3 twice. I will give this season my best shot to try win this time, so sure!" replied Zoey.
    "Alright, but only if Dawn can join when we merge!" mumbled Dave.
    "Great!" cried Beth. She then walked out and into the cabin. She then saw Dawn meditating on her bed.
    "Hi Dawn!" yelled Beth.
    "Hello, Bethany!" replied Dawn.


    Beth: "Creepy much."


    "Hello, Bethany!" replied Dawn,"what troubles do you seek?"
    "Well," said Beth, "I feel like a big target in this game and was wondering if you wanted to join me, Zoey and Dave in an alliance?"
    "I love Dave but I cannot join. Zoey's actions towards Mike were uncalled for. Sorry."


    Beth: "Wow."

    Heather: "I'm a target again. Great."


    Heather walked up to Cody. Cody was sitting in a treehouse Shaun had built before he got disqualified.
    "Hey!" chirped Heather.
    "I know you want something," mumbled Cody.
    "True, but..."
    "But what?"
    Heather looked Cody in the eye.
    "I have candy!" she cheered throwing lots of candy at Cody.
    "Alright I will join your alliance!" cried Cody as he started eating the candy, "but we are on opposite teams."
    "We will make it to merge. Wait and see."
    Owen then climbed up the ladder and ate all the candy.
    "OWEN!" cried Cody.
    "YOU FUCKING PIG!" yelled Heather.
    Owen then fell out of the treehouse.
    "No alliance now," said Cody.


    Heather: "Well... fuck..."


    Amy decided she needed a bit of time away from Samey to have some alone time. Scott walked up to her.
    "What's up with shooting me yesterday, traitor?" asked Scott.
    "I didn't?" Amy acted confused.
    "Don't play dumb Amy. I know you are more than a pretty face. You sabotaged our team and we lost thanks to you. I could have won for our team!"
    "Oh, you have no idea what my plans are." Amy then chuckled an evil chuckle and walked off.

    Leshawna, Geoff and Cody met on the beach.
    "Hey dude and dudette!" cried Geoff.
    "I need to talk to you guys!" cried Leshawna, "We are the only original cast on our team besides Courtney. We need to stick together!"
    "I'm in!"
    "Awesome!" said Cody.

    *1 Hour Later*

    Everyone met at the docks, waiting for Chris. They were confused as Chef turned up and not Chris.
    "Attention scrubs!" yelled Chef, "I am your host today! This challenge will be tough. This is ANOTHER military battle! There are 3 stages! The swim around the island! If you get attacked or stopped somehow you may now participate in the last 2 stages! Next stage, the climb of pain, where you must all climb up a mountain. If you get knocked back to the start or don't even bother you are not allowed to take part in the last challenge! The last challenge is where you must knock down the other team's castle! Both castles are the same otherwise it wouldn't be 'fair'. Any questions?"
    Amy raised her hand.
    "Is this legal?" she asked.
    "Probably, probably not!" yelled Chef, "NOW START SWIMMING!"

    Everyone split into groups. Amy, Samey and Dawn. Scott and Leshawna. Geoff and Cody. Courtney was on her own. Heather was also on her own. Beth, Zoey and Dave stuck together. Owen and Trent were the last group.

    "We are doing well buddy!" said Trent encouraging Owen along.
    "Can't... do... it..." panted Owen as he stopped swimming.

    Heather and Courtney were on opposite teams but the decided to talk about their secret alliance.
    "So, who is our next target?" asked Courtney.
    "Probably Samey!" said Heather.
    Courtney looked unconvinced. Then a squid came and attacked them stopping them from doing the challenge.

    Cody was struggling because it was a very big swim. Geoff decided to give him a piggy back.

    Amy, Samey and Dawn ended up swimming the wrong way. They got surrounded by sharks. They attacked the twins but Dawn escaped.

    Eventually the majority of the campers made it.
    "Congrats maggots! You must now climb the Climb of Pain!" yelled Chef pointing to a dangerous cliffy edgy mountain.

    Zoey was climbing without trouble. She was happy that she was making progress. She made it to the top. So did her teammates Trent, Beth and Dave. Beth had trouble so Trent helped her up. The other team was slowly making progress.
    "Gurl, this climbing ain't good for my booty!" cried Leshawna as she fell down!
    Dawn didn't have the upper-body strength to climb so she was automatically out.
    Scott nearly fell down but was luckily saved by Geoff. He, Scott and Cody all made it to the top.

    "Final challenge!" yelled Chef! "You must knock down the other team's castle OR take out the whole team! BEGIN!"
    The teams raced to inside their castles.

    "Alright! Me and Trent will attack the other's castle, while Dave stays guard!" yelled Zoey, but not loud enough for the other team to hear. She and Trent ran out.
    "Wait!" cried Dave, "what do I do if I get attacked?" No one heard him.


    Dave: *Sigh*


    Scott, Cody and Geoff decided they were going to try take down the other team instead of knocking their castle down.
    They saw Zoey and Trent running towards them so they took them down with snowball guns they had found. Scott then decided to hunt down Dave.
    "You shall not beat me!" cried Dave.
    Scott then shot him.
    "Fuck!" cried Dave.


    Dave: "Did I swear out loud?"

    Scott: "Easy win!"

    Zoey: "I lost against Scott? Wow."

    Samey: "Woohoo we won!"


    Leshawna, Geoff and Cody were talking in the cabin about their alliance.
    "So who should our first target be when we lose?" asked Cody.
    "Courtney!" cried Leshawna.
    "She has to go, dude!" agreed Geoff.

    Heather and Courtney's inter-team alliance was going pretty well. They were talking on the dock.
    "Should we bring Amy back in our alliance?" asked Courtney.
    "Why not? Another vote!" replied Heather.

    *10 minutes later*

    Courtney came back with Amy AND Samey.


    Heather: "Alright so I have 3 different people's votes. But they are on the opposite team! I must try to survive this elimination!"

    Samey: "Alliance with HEATHER?! This could work!"


    "Hey girls," said Samey.
    "Who should I vote off?" asked Heather.
    "Dave is your weakest member!" cried Amy, "also he's ugly!"
    "Dave it is then!"
    "Good idea!" said Courtney.


    Zoey: "Sorry. It is either you or me buddy!"

    Dave: "Lost for the team. I hope that my teammates vote off ____ instead!"

    Heather: "I vote off ____! He has to go!"


    "Welcome to the elimination ceremony! At this rate none of you will make the merge!" yelled Chris, "This time I will reveal who voted for who to leave!"


    Zoey: "Dave! Sorry. It is either you or me buddy!

    Heather: "I vote off Dave! He has to go!

    Dave: "Lost for the team. I hope that my teammates vote off Heather instead!

    Trent: "Heather has to go, but he is strong so I vote off Dave. I hope this benefits my safety.

    Beth: "Zoey is a massive threat! Sorry!"

    Owen: "Heather is mean! She is evil and must leave! No one should align with her!


    "So by a vote of 3-2-1 Dave is eliminated! Sorry, not sorry!" announced Chris.
    "Can I say goodbye to Dawn?" asked Dave.
    "Nope!" replied Chris.

    Alright! 8 people have been evicted so far! Will team red step up their game? Find out next episode!