Staff Need To Get It Together.

Discussion in 'General Discussion / Real life stuff' started by davidkaragezyan, Jun 14, 2018.

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  1. davidkaragezyan

    davidkaragezyan MeatBoy1

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    I have always hated staff, this is not a new thing of mine to make some stupid thread bashing staff. I have always hated staff with the exception of a few and no matter how much I want to cuss you people out, a friend of mine has asked me to make this thread civilized and so I will. I will also like to clarify that this thread is not to join the bandwagon of 40 people bashing staff, I'm here to not only point out a few things I've noticed but to offer a few suggestions. First off the inactivity of staff is at an insane amount I rarely ever see mods or mod+ on anymore now with the same excuse every staff member gives the server for their inactivity is "I have irl stuff," in that case why don't you just resign or quit. I know its hard but clearly you're not putting the greater good of the server first hand so you should resign and let the helpers that are active get promoted and allow the people with open staff apps to get the job. 2nd off, the hacker problem in KitPVP and I'm assuming other PVP areas of the server is way to high and people have suggested anti cheats but the only argument I have heard against this is that staff would have nothing to do if there was an anti-cheat but if staff aren't already on, in which happens in most cases, the hacker is often let to be ruling the server. This is why I suggest either staff who are not active be demoted or they should volunteer to resign but this has gone too far. The 3rd thing I have to say is the staff who are on are never doing their job I have received evidence of staff not doing their job whilst I was speaking to my cousin when he was complaining about the hackers and how he's sending reports but no one is coming on when I look over onto his screen I see a staff member talking in chat and talking in /FR and acting completely stupid while he is dying to hackers. I don't understand what's happening to the staff community and hell with it all you kids who kiss ass to the staff and constantly defend them its because you have them as friends or you have an open staff app and that's the reason you're afraid to speak out, it's getting to be a real pain to even log on when I see a hacker on with an 80 killstreak and no staff to ban him.

    I also thought of this but why are staff never on the same page of things? When it comes down to it, some mods tell me toggle sneak and I don't mean the sprint one I mean the one that lets you sneak and talk is allowed and others say its not, or when someone is selling items for irl money some mods ignore it and let it happen some say you cant do that. I have seen mods who don't even know what commands they have like can we get a bit more organized, please. Thanks for reading what I have to say. - MeatBoy1

    EDIT: Again, this is not to bash on any staff, just my honest thought.

    EDIT AGAIN: Due to the amount of heat in this thread between community members, I will be locking this thread. This was not meant for you guys to rip into each other or cause dissent between everyone. It was my own opinion, thanks for the feedback but this is just how I feel.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2018
    thesaber903 likes this.
  2. KokichiOma

    KokichiOma Ultimate Supreme Leader Donator

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    Unprepossessing (MappyTurtle)
    We have an anti cheat on KitPvP.
    If you have evidence of staff not doing their jobs, report them. It's the only way things can get fixed.
  3. Smg

    Smg Retired | Also known as 'Phaithful' Donator

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    1. Some staff are inactive for various reasons, and it's made very clear that this server does not and should not come before irl needs/necessities.
    2. There's always been a hacker problem, and as long as this server lives, there will be. We cannot ban every single hacker at all times of the day.
    3. If staff aren't doing their job, report them. Simple as that, just screenshot the evidence you believe proves that they are ignoring their staff duties and it will be resolved by the administration.
  4. davidkaragezyan

    davidkaragezyan MeatBoy1

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    The Anti-Cheat hardly works, I see hackers roaming around like idiots going maximum hacks and they never get banned by the Anti-Cheat.
  5. KokichiOma

    KokichiOma Ultimate Supreme Leader Donator

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    Unprepossessing (MappyTurtle)
    In my personal experience, the AAC does ban quite a lot of hackers. More often I've noticed it does the less obvious but in that case a quick recording and report on the forums can get them banned very easily.
  6. davidkaragezyan

    davidkaragezyan MeatBoy1

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    I understand that this server should never come first, IRL duties are always first, but if that's going to be a constant issue, that's where my problem kicks in. And I know there will always be hackers that's obvious but since it is obvious, shouldn't mods be more aware and consistent with their outlook of it?

    Maybe it does, but in my own experience as well it doesn't. I guess it's just random? I'm not too fond of how it works really but I didn't even realize there as an AC for a while.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2018
  7. CaptainJackValdy

    CaptainJackValdy I got a plan to save the server, just have faith

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    Oh boy, this one will be fun.

    Your solution is to remove staff members that are already there because they’re not working as efficiently as you’re hoping. What you clearly don’t understand is that reducing the amount of staff members will only increase problems, and new helpers can always apply. There’s no limit of staff members that I’m aware of.

    The server, along with the entirety of Minecraft, is dying, I hope you noticed. And the server doesn’t seem to attract new players all that much anymore, so I doubt you’ll be having a lot of new staff members showing up any time soon.

    Another thing is, hating a person for not being able to monitor a fucking VIDEO GAME all the time because they’re human beings with responsibilities makes you an idiot. Maybe instead of whining you could’ve applied for Staff Membership yourself, now it’s pointless because it’s clear you’re too immature for that kind of task.

    According to a moderator, there is an anti-cheat in place. I put more trust into a server’s staff member than a person who is eager to be personally attacking people for minimal reasons.

    How about supporting such things with evidence? You do realize negligence is reportable, right?

    Again, support these things with evidence?

    Of course you’re not bashing staff.
  8. davidkaragezyan

    davidkaragezyan MeatBoy1

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    Not all at least, and I know I need evidence, I'm not currently reporting I'm just stating this.
  9. MC_Scout

    MC_Scout Fearless Leader Staff Member Manager

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    Your complaints are valid, however they do nothing. No action will be taken on this thread because we have nothing to go by.
    If you actually want to see change I strongly recommend you gather evidence and report the staff member(s) you are referring to.
  10. davidkaragezyan

    davidkaragezyan MeatBoy1

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    I understand, I'm just getting my thoughts out there overall, this isn't like a just now thought, this is my thought of the 3 years I've been on this server yknow.
  11. noah

    noah Moderator Plus Staff Member Mod+

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    The staff know how to do their jobs, the problem is almost all of them are inactive for valid reasons or simply don't come on because they "don't have motivation" to do so, which probably means you should resign (just saying).

    The problem with promoting new and active staff, is at least last time I saw them, none of the application were any good / the good applicants were inactive or not really dedicated.

    The anti cheat is also fine, it does ban people and there's nothing wrong with it.
    Haruld likes this.
  12. MeatBoy0

    MeatBoy0 Donator

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    The Anticheat does work usually though so no problem with that. But the staff part I do believe Meat1 is right. The staff (from my own experience) was never the best and just seems to be getting worse. I do hope this no longer becomes an issue with the inactiveness, but I doubt it at the same time. I hope this server gets what it needs to become the best it can be
    noah likes this.
  13. poe

    poe Dutch Donator

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    Trust me I do get your anger, But the server doesn't have to be their first priority.

    I get that you don't see mod's and mod+ online, but that is because they are just invisible or not there looking at the chat handling the forums.

    The anti-cheat is more of a firewall. Just report and there is a 100% chance there is answer. As a staff you can't always be there.

    Luckly me and some fellow people have open application but for now I hope you will respect what they do. You can't just hate someone for taking care of the server.

    I don't think they are inactive I have never experienced staff inactivity there job is too check reports to help eachother. A lot of mod+'s are helping helpers getting on their feet.

    I don't think it is necessary to have them online at all times just to be standing still for 2 hours looking at a hacker being assumed afk again.
  14. AbductedSnake

    AbductedSnake Java Coder Donator

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    They could be on when you're not on, or just on a different server. Or, maybe you're right and they're not on, and they just have more important stuff to do.

    They probably do have irl stuff.

    Hm, weird...

    There is an anticheat.

    How do you know? They could be handling reports ingame and/or on the forums, looking on the forums for people who need help, helping people in game.

    Maybe they're waiting for a higher-up to come deal with said hacker.

    They're human, they make mistakes.

    How do you know? It might make mistakes, all anticheats do. At least it does its job and bans hackers.

    Just because you don't know there is an anticheat doesn't mean it's not doing its job, it just means that it's doing it somewhat well because it's not banning/kicking YOU for hacking (unless you're hacking)

    Moral, just because the ac isn't banning someone you think is hacking, or a staff member isn't handling something that they might not be aware of, does not mean that all staff are shit. The staff team are the reason IJ&H is not complete hell.

    The fact that there aren't as many hackers as there could be is because the staff (or ac) are banning them.
    So, next time you think about telling staff they're bad, think about these.

    Just my opinion.
  15. MeatBoy0

    MeatBoy0 Donator

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    Actually, I have JUST reported some staff members for being absolutely negligent during their duties as staff and failing to assist me. I was also just wrongly banned twice in two days, unbanned now, but goes to show just how well the staff is doing aye lol. Just my opinion.
  16. AbductedSnake

    AbductedSnake Java Coder Donator

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    I was only referring to staff who actually do their jobs, I have no argument that there are no staff who fail to do their jobs.

    And as I said above, staff make mistakes. Maybe that's why you were wrongly banned.
  17. Soap

    Soap Donator

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    said like a king
  18. RulerofMobs

    RulerofMobs Fuck. Bye, survival. Donator

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    Can't wait to pick you apart.
    Exhibit A

    First off, you can't expect to always see a staff member on whatever minigame you are on. Go around the different minigames and try to find a staff member. Second of all, they could be invisible doing staff work.

    As people already said, maybe they do.

    Just because they can't play at that very moment doesn't mean they should resign or quit. They play at other times.

    Every staff member is trying their best.

    Ok, so you are complaining that staff are inactive, yet you were banned by a staff member. And I doubt that they banned you just because. So you have proven to yourself that staff aren't inactive AND they are doing their job. Thanks for doing my work for me.

    Other thoughts that I have: if you think that the staff are so terrible, then why don't you apply for staff and make this place better? You obviously think that you have ideas that are better than anyone elses. You are supposedly "getting evidence from people", and yet, you have shown none of it. You have completely failed to prove your point.
  19. witchchick128

    witchchick128 Amity Blight Donator

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    i agree with a lot of this. like why tf are you still staff if ur never on? however there are the decently active forums so they can mod here.

    however I think you flopped on ur part by saying ‘oh my cousin was sending reports’ it was likely that they were solving a different case on another mini game or simply afl for a moment. also spam reporting is bannable so.

    but I 100% agree with the anticheat argument. I barely play anymore and i still see it first hand. any staff / player who has said ‘oh my experience with the ac on ijah was great’ literally has 0 experience because a fucking Haley’s comet like myself sees it every time I’m on kit. and saying ‘oh but there’s at least one in place’ is like taking math test and just randomly picking answers saying ‘eh it’s good enough’

    i also say an argument saying ‘the staff know how to do their jobs’ so then why does the player base feel like they have to make a whole big long thread about this issue?

    i do respect the staff and i agree that a block game server shouldn’t be your highest priority in life but, once again, why did u apply if the player base feels like they have to make a long thread about your inactivity/other mistakes?

    i don’t really like getting into arguments and picking sides (call me a hypocrite, i know) but I wanted to express my thoughts on this situation
  20. pvpcatsbestfaction

    pvpcatsbestfaction Donator

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    He said he made them in the past and this wasnt going to be one of them

    “Invisible doing staff work” ok well if they are on they should respond to reports right? Yea, but no thats not what happens.

    Yea maybe if they are doing things irl they shouldnt be on the server and if you message them over discord skype imessage etc then thats different. In the thread this dude states that he had staff on his fr talking to others but this dude was being killed by one. If that is true that is unexcuseable.

    When you do /report basically nobody is on and it is like this constantly. If they are buy that means they must be busy most of the day leaving very little time for staff work means they are too busy and should resign.

    You cant speak for every staff. “They are trying their best.” Anybody could say that without any meaning at all. Staff do not always try their best and if you are gonna lie and say they do good for you but we both know they dont

    It doesnt matter. If somebody is false banned twice surley there is a problem. I know of people who have cheated for probably over a year and can still be found on the server today.

    I aready applied for staff but i knew when i hit that post button i wouldnt be accepted due to the sheer hate i got for challenging some of the abusive staff

    Most of the staff show favoritism to their non staff friends, or downright have no clue what a hacker is. I have also been false banned due to a report because i was “using illegal mods” when no indicators were even close to stating that i was the one who recorded the video. The evidence was so bad and they still “knew” it was me. I knew that that was complete bullshit because the staff did not ban for a “delayed hit” that wouldve been super rare for it to actully have been legit. In another case a person i assumed to cheating after rewatching his clips was killed by another dude who hit him without looking. It took so long for the staff to finally decide it wasnt sufficient. So i decided that i would talk to harry and i proved he was cheating. Then they reopened the case and he was banned. Except for the fact he appealed saying it wasnt him in the clip (but before he was banned he was saying to me ig other excuses such as “i was lagging” “ the video recorder was lagging” “its a legit hit” and stuff like that). He gets unbanned but i doubt he had any evidence to back up the claim that it wasnt him. Another clip has to do with a blatant cheater do obviosly impossible hits but his close friend (who was staff) said he was legit and closed it. The same staff constantly denied reports that contained his friends, and even went far enough to reach out to me of the clips where his enemies were hacking. He was so clearly biast. The last one i would like o mention is a well known hacker blatantly bhopped off of spawn and got a 6.4 block hit. This was denied by a staff member. I had to reopen the thread and mention how legit everything in the video was impossible and then he was banned. Ive watched countless videos from one of my enemies and i can see his friends talking to high positioned staff. In one event where koth was broken and pvp was disabled there the staff let the person (one of his friend’s faction member) cap and the koth was over. The reason i have not created reports on staff is because i know nothing will change, and that the staff dont help anybody except their friends
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