So I thought this would be a cool story to share :). Lets get into it. So it all started about 2 hours ago I tried to purchase a SLIME PET on j&h server for 360Redstone for In game cash and my card was not accepted. So about 3 weeks ago this kid name Betito ( @Chase_16757 heu heu heu ) Got an xbox and I am always nice to him. I treat him as my little brother as he goes with me everywhere. I thought it would be nice to buy him 1 month of xbox live on his account $10 and I did. I put in my paypal and it was done he had it for 1 month. So then I went to the settings and turned auto renewal OFF. ( Renewal mean it automatically buys membership again). I showed Betito what and what not to do. How do download demos and buy games. I told him NEVER buy a game without asking me because if you do, you will have to pay for it ( You're parents). He said okay. 2 Weeks later I check my paypal and this these purchases were made.... About 2 hours ago, I checked my paypal saw 2 purchases were made for 2 online games... And of course... So I asked him nicely did he buy anything? He stayed quit... So I went on his xbox and went to recent purchases and he bought the games... I talked to his mom and she said she would pay. The paypal had a card linked which was my moms. So I just told her what happened (5minutes ago) and she was chill about it. She said it was a mistake and as long as she got her money back she wouldn't call the police. JK JK XD She said as long as she got her money back everything was okay. So now were waiting :D Has this happened to anyone else? I am curious :D.
Why would you ever link your private PayPal to another persons 3rd party account. It's like giving them your PayPal password. Imagine someone compromise your friends account and he empties out your moms bank by buying games for himself or Microsoft Points... I would suggest to remove the linking, if you didn't already, then it wont happen again.