Farm King RESET Season 2 It has been over 2 years now since Farm King was released, and it's in need of a reset. 99% of players are completely AFK and buy 1 dead bush per week. Also, there are so many farms that we reached the Minecraft world limit and new farms are bugged & unplayable. What is new? New spawn built by @Cheez and @Progtrash. New Crate Rewards. Reaching certain milestones will give you free keys. Farm settings now save when you log out. /top command to see rankings. Payout for top farms. Payout There will be prizes for the top 5 farms on July 29th. Winners will be announced in a reply to this thread. Prize must be redeemed by following the instructions in the announcement. 1. $50,- (PayPal) 2. $40,- (Buycraft) 3. $30,- (Buycraft) 4. $20,- (Buycraft) 5. $10,- (Buycraft) _____ Please post any bugs you find in the Report Bugs section on the forums. -ItsJerryAndHarry Server
I honestly saw no point in this reset, this is not like prision or factions when if someone gets overpowered you have to restart to get everyone to the same level not really happy about it and don't have the patiance to start all over again :/
They resetted it due to how many bugs were in the old season and it hit the Minecraft limit in a lot of cases.
It would've taken a very long time to update, and it's been two years since FK was created. It was about time to have a reset in the long run, whether they updated it or not.
I still don't see the point in it personally, factions and survival I can understand due to all the resorces being dryed up or new map stuff, prision maybe due to a group being to OP but with a game like this I honestly see no point in it
Sadly resets happen, and soon if @ItsHarry & @ItsJerry don't break the owner interruption we will never see it reset! (if you don't know what I'm talking about then lol, and yes I did just ping them, get over it noob,)
what harm is it that we don't see a reset? and was hardly a noob on farmking, was 20th (something like that) on the leaderboard
You don’t always get what you want in life. If you don’t have the patience to restart, no ones making you.
Payout Winners ItxRxchel zmanmz Lizabxtch StreakyOrange D34d3nd PM me on the forums to receive your prize.