Ign: Smugg_ Kills: 9400 Deaths:488. Ka/D: 26.95 If you don't believe me to /top 3. How Op?: Around 7/10.
Cookie is in here so I might as well join IGN: HCchicken SCREENSHOT OF STATS: I can't do it now but I promise you I am about 3500 kills and 180 deaths and assists don't really matter. HOW OP ARE YOU 1-10: 8
Accepted welcome to the clan! Accepted welcome to the clan bud! So two people left because of inactivity so that sucks I guess but the reason I don't go on here often because of the large amount of hackers plus it's just not fun to me anymore. If you want to play a server with me I will be on Hypixel most of the time so just friend add me. /friend MagikarpMason -Clan leader, Mason