"Meet your demise!" Demise Owners Treasurebro123 treelegs Demise Best Players BlackOutz Xcel_ (Apply to get here) Demise Members MagikarpMason JakeEltzholtz xBaconz DHD Braylen_ OiSawa Endermage_13 stoydell FusionPlayzMC TheKingPandaZ MrBubblyAssassin ArcherSkillz SoCool ixFr3aKy xChaoslordx Smugg_ Inquistive RainbowSocks CaleTheCableGuy BareboneUHC HCchicken Slothie_ BANNED: Medievalman JD_AtTheTop (Paste smelly hackers here) Demise Application format to join IGN: SCREENSHOT OF STATS: HOW OP ARE YOU 1-10: (Example by owner) If your clan wants to be allied just message us!
EXAMPLE HERE! IGN: iMacintoush SCREENSHOT OF STATS: http://prntscr.com/92yirq HOW OP ARE YOU 1-10: 5 or 6
lol nice clan man your in impulse + this clan, thats cool, I'm in impulse, deathkey and maybe imperium
ign: DHD Kills: 672 Deaths: 612 A: 446 KA/D: 1.83 Reasons to let me in, i have diamond, im allied with a ton of good players, and you know me on the server, im trustworthy and such, also sorry for bad grammar, my i key is broken and it doesnt capitalize, hope this doesn't sway your opinion, thanks. -Noah EDiT: Forgot something, how op am i 1-10, 6 or so? not good but definitely a good asset for team attacks and raids.
IGN:RoboticApple Kills:113 Deaths:464 Assists:193 KA/D: 0.66 How OP am I? : probably 4 The reason I'm signing up is so that I can have alliances on my side so I can become stronger by killing less strong people and become a diamond guy and be better at PvP
Nightwolf1 99 563 0.36 Im so weak and need help I really need to join a team I have diamond and everytime I do I die and I hate that takes me forever to freaking get it. please man I need help I really hate people when people kill me and I trie to team but they always kill me please Treaseurebro/Imacintoush
Denied Sorry but you need to get your kills up first maybe get some diamond armor and you can reapply in a week. :)
IGN: Kootra989 Kills:672 Deaths:1945 Assists: 831 KA/D: 0.77 How op?: i think 4-5 if i wear diamond without allies Reason to join: because i need more allies as i have to go in the arena with leather or iron and want to use my diamond armor