Thanksgiving is literally like this week anyways, compared to when people were doing it like a month prior. So this isn't even bad. Also, not everyone in the world has Thanksgiving the same time as us.
if this ends on the day its suppose to ill be very disappointed we need this to last till black friday next year pls harry
OMG what?! you guys are LOWERING the prices of items?!?! this is a scam. i hate this server. the fuck is this?! this server is dying joke
omg i bought my rank 5 years ago when it was not on sale this is a scam i demand a refund of half the cost
literally so upset. I had to pay for herobrine FULL PRICE while these CHEAPOS can get it for cheaper? i demade my money to be half returned given back! what is this FRICK! skybliock and survival beign removed too? im losing all my money. IM GOING BACKRUPT CAUSE OF U FOOOLS
yeah man. i paid for my legend rank and now OTHERS have to pay for theirs?! we've had enough suffering! @Harry @jerry I DEMAND for my money back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Replace “demand” with “implore” and it’s 100% guaranteed that Jerry brings the money back to your home personally regardless of where you live.