Aimbot Aimbot is an OITC Clan. This Clan's goal Is to get Players and give a Chancfor Non Good Players to be Good. So You Might be asking how in the hell do I Get in this clan? Will Follow these Steps 1: In Game Name -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2:Why do you want To Join the clan and what would you do for the clan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3:Are you a Active Player Or Inactive? 4: Rate your pvp Skills from 0-8 (Not Inportant) How do I Get Promoted Will it's really simple : Be active,Be respectfull and helpfull, Don't get cocky,Don't lie ================================================== Leaders: SlurpNoice ========================================================== Officer's: ========================================================== Member's: _ToggleAimbot_ Futurzid ========================================================== Thanks for Reading. Good Luck
In game name: Futurized Why i want to join and what would i do: I like to join clans to have another guy in the background, so its not empty, i would make graphics for the clan :D Active or Inactive: Usually Active, but i might be inactive every now and again Rate PVP Skills: 6-8 (I forget to crit and is super bad anyway) #AimbotFTW I made one clan which i haven't posted about yet :D (i just might in the future <3)
Nice Logo seems like you didn't steal it at all. I also really like the legitness of the TM after Aimbot. Nice that you registered your clan as a trademark. /sarcasm